Payment Centre
Pay My Bill Online.
Pay your bill quickly and securely with our online payment options. Complete your payment with online banking, debit card and all major credit cards.
Click Here to pay a single invoice, or choose one of the alternate payment methods below.
*Maximum of $5000 per invoice on credit cards ONLY.
*Discover cards are NOT accepted.
*This tab allows payment in Canadian currency only and solely for customer accounts located in Canada. For US customers, please Click Here
You can now pay directly with your bank using online or telephone banking. Just log into your bank and search for “Sentinel Alarm” or “Alarme Sentinelle” and enter your 10-digit internet banking number located on your invoice.
Please note only the following banks are enrolled at this time:
BMO (Bank of Montreal)
Caisse Populaire Desjardins
CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)
TD Bank (Canada Trust)
You can also send an Interac e-Transfer to and reference your account number or invoices number in the comment section. No question or answer required.
You can also call us and we would be glad to help with any accounting questions or concerns at 514-737-1010 extension 722.